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Who does the Office of Legal Affairs represent?

The Office of Legal Affairs provides legal advice and representation to Suffolk County Community College which includes the Board of Trustees, Administrators, Faculty and Staff in their official capacities.

What type of legal services does the Office of Legal Affairs provide?

The Office of Legal Affairs is responsible for providing a full range of services to the College in a variety of practice areas. Some of those areas include labor and employment, business matters, contract review, litigation, environmental, copyright, property acquisition and student and faculty issues.

Does the Office of Legal Affairs provide personal legal advice?

No. The Office of Legal Affairs provides legal advice and representation related to College business only.

Can I retain outside counsel for a College matter?

No. Only the Office of Legal Affairs can retain outside counsel.

I need to have something signed by the College, who has the authority to sign?

The President, Executive Vice President and certain other senior officers are authorized to sign on behalf of the College. Contact the Office of Legal Affairs if you have questions as to whom should sign a particular document.

Am I indemnified if I am sued in connection with College business?

Generally yes, as long as you are acting in good faith and in the scope of your employment.

What should I do if someone asks me to accept legal papers (such as a summons or subpoena) on behalf of the institute?

You should refuse to accept these documents and refer the person to the Office of Legal Affairs. You should then call the Office of Legal Affairs at (631) 451-4235 to alert us that someone is coming over with legal documents. If you receive a summons or subpoena in the mail, or mistakenly accept one from a process server, please contact the Office of Legal Affairs immediately.
Note that a delay in responding to these documents could have serious legal consequences for the College.

Who can accept service for 香港六合彩开奖直播?

A member of the Office of Legal Affairs may accept properly made service of process on behalf of the College or the Board of Trustees. However, if a member of the College community is being sued in his/her personal capacity, typically that individual must be served personally unless you authorize the Office of Legal Affairs to accept service on your behalf.

What should I do if a government employee comes to my office and asks for information?

Direct them to the Office of Legal Affairs.

What should I do if I receive correspondence from an attorney asserting a claim against me (in my professional capacity), my department, or the College?

You should immediately fax all legal correspondence relating to the College to the Office of Legal Affairs at (631) 451-4974 and hand deliver or interoffice the original.

I have received a request for a student's educational records. What should I do?

Federal law and College policy govern the confidentiality of student records. Do not respond to any request for student records without speaking first to a representative in the Office of Legal Affairs or the College Registrar.

Does the College have an acceptable consent form to authorize release of education records to a third party (such as to a law firm, court, or potential employer)?

Yes. An eligible student may complete and sign the College's U.S. Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act Authorization to Release Education Records form to authorize release of specific education records to a third party. The form needs to be completed in its entirety and enclosed with any request from a third party such as an attorney, law firm, or similar entity to release education records to them. These types of requests for records should be directed to the Office of Legal Affairs.