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Students can complete the A.A., A.S. or the A.A.S. degree in two years of successful full-time study, while most certificate programs are designed for one year of full-time study. Students working toward the degree or certificate on a part-time or minimum full-time basis should understand that completion of the program will take longer. Placement into developmental courses may also extend duration of study.

Increasingly, students find it difficult to complete the major in the suggested time because of family obligations, work hours or other responsibilities. The College understands these circumstances and encourages students to consult with the College鈥檚 counselors or academic departments for assistance in determining the optimum course load and time frame for pursuing their program of study.

Unless otherwise stated, there is no academic penalty for taking longer than the one or two years outlined in the curricula that follow. Some students find that attending the summer sessions and/or the wintersession provides an opportunity to expedite their progress in their program of study.

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