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Personal Safety on Campus

  • Share your class schedule with your parents and trusted friends and give them your telephone numbers.
  • Tell a friend or roommate where you are going and what time you expect to return
  • Familiarize yourself with the layout of the campus. Obtain a map from public safety offices or via the campus website. Click here for maps of all campuses. Survey the campus while classes are in session and after dark to see that academic buildings, walkways, facilities, and parking lots are adequately secured and well-lighted.
  • Know where the Blue Light Phones and safe haven emergency call boxes are located on campus and learn how to use them.
  • Plan the safest route to your destination; choose well-lighted, busy pathways and streets.
  • At night, stick to well-lighted areas whenever possible and avoid alleyways or 鈥渟hort cuts鈥 through isolated areas.
  • Travel in groups and avoid going out alone at night. Make arrangements with other class mates to park near each other so you can walk together at night.
  • Walk near the curb and avoid shrubbery or other places of potential concealment. 
  • Stay alert to your surroundings and the people around you.
  • Don鈥檛 overload yourself with bags or packages and avoid wearing shoes that restrict your movements.
  • Walk with a confident stride; keep your head up and look around. Avoid texting and talking on the phone while walking since it is easy to not pay attention to your surroundings.
  • Carry your purse close to your body and keep a firm grip on it; carry your wallet in an inside coat pocket or your front pant pocket.
  • Keep your keys separate from your purse or backpack. Carry keys in your hands with the keys between your knuckles.
  • If you are being followed, change direction and go to the nearest building or call box, call the public safety or the police. Note the description of the person following you.
  • Escorts are available if you don鈥檛 feel comfortable walking to your car alone. To request an escort call 631.451.4242 or 4242 from any campus phone.
  • Program Public Safety's number, 631.451.4242, in your cell phone.