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Does the college provide psychoeducational testing for students?

No, it is your responsibility to find an outside agency or psychologist that is qualified to do any psychoeducational testing that may be needed. Contact the disability services counselor on your home campus for a referral list.

If I'm coming to Suffolk directly from high school, do you automatically know what classroom and testing modifications and services I need and have them in place for me at the start of my first semester?

Not automatically. It is your responsibility to notify the disability services counselor that you are requesting accommodations, and then to provide the supporting documentation that is needed. Information about your disability or the services and accommodations you received in high school are not sent to Suffolk without your written authorization. After your documentation is reviewed, you will meet with the counselor to review the approved, reasonable and appropriate accommodations and services. You will be given an Accommodation Letter to confirm your accommodations which must be shown or emailed to your professors in order to utilize the accommodations.

Does Suffolk provide special classes for individuals with disabilities?

There are no special classes for students with disabilities. In addition, while certain accommodations and adjustments in the academic program are possible, all students, regardless of disability, must satisfy the essential academic requirements of their specific courses as well as their programs of study.

If special testing arrangements are made, does it mean the person proctoring the exam can help me with the answers?

Special test-taking arrangements are limited to such things as extended time, a special location, an alternate testing format, use of a reader, etc. Proctors may not assist you with the content in any way.

Will the instructors have access to my psychoeducational evaluation and all the details of my disability?

No, the specific details and any personal information about your disability are considered confidential. However, your instructors will be notified that you have a documented disability when you submit your Accommodation Letter and are therefore entitled to receive certain services and accommodations. In addition, you will be asked to give the disability services counselor permission to discuss the general nature of your disability with faculty as it relates to your academic progress.

How can I obtain a handicapped parking permit?

Handicapped parking permits are available from your town office after showing proof of a physical disability and the necessary vehicle information. Temporary permits are also available from your town for disabilities lasting at least four weeks. For other temporary medical conditions that require special parking privileges, contact the Health Services Office on your home campus.

Do I have to let the professor know in front of the entire class that I have a disability?

No, the information regarding your disability is a confidential matter. Your professors will be notified by you emailing your Accommodation Letter that you have a disability and are entitled to certain services and accommodations. We suggest that you meet privately with your professors during their office hours to discuss how these services and accommodations will be provided, and to discuss any additional details that may be important to your academic success.

What should I do if I feel my rights are being violated (e.g., my professor will not allow me to use a tape recorder in class (or some other accommodation to which I am entitled)?

If you have been unsuccessful in trying to resolve the matter directly with the faculty member or other individuals involved, then you should contact the disability services counselor and/or the Dean of Student Services for an in-depth discussion of the situation. If the situation can still not be resolved to your satisfaction and you feel that your rights are being violated, you should contact the Chief Diversity Officer/Title IX Coordinator for additional information about established grievance procedures.
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