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I have no idea what I want to do. Can you help me?

Being undecided and searching for a career can be exciting but scary. Try telling yourself that you are just beginning your journey into discovering who you are, what you want to do, and where you want to go. While the answers may not come easily, you can begin by making full use of the resources available to you at Suffolk. Start by checking out the Career Planning Process in this Web site. Then, make an appointment with a career counselor to learn more about your interests, values, and abilities and discuss your educational and career plans.
Career Planning Process

Can you help me find a job?

The career services/cooperative education office on your campus can help in a variety of ways. Professional staff is available to discuss your qualifications, skills, interests, and general career direction. They can help you determine the type of job you are looking for and help you become aware of appropriate job opportunities. In addition, they can help you develop your skills in such areas as r茅sum茅 writing, interviewing, and job search strategies.

How can I get experience in the field that I am studying?

A wonderful way to gain experience related to your major is through a cooperative education or internship program. These programs offer you an opportunity to gain work experience in your field of study, earn academic credit, and, in the case of cooperative education, even get paid. Check out the Cooperative Education and Internship section for additional information.
Cooperative Education and Internships

How can I get a job on campus?

You can find employment on campus in one of several ways. First, if you qualify for financial aid and have been given a Federal Work-Study award, you will be able to find a position in a campus office or department. You can also contact the private vendors who run the bookstore and the cafeteria and apply for a part-time job directly through them. In addition, it is not uncommon for academic departments, learning centers, and administrative offices to hire students, either as tutors or student aides. Check with your campus Career Services office for more information.

Can you help me write a r茅sum茅?

The professional staff in the Career Services/Cooperative Education Office can help you develop a r茅sum茅 that presents your education, skills, and experiences in the best possible way. Whether you are looking for a job now or want to update your r茅sum茅 for future use, it is best to give it that marketable edge. Check out the r茅sum茅 links in the Conducting Your Job Search section, and then schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor today.
Conducting Your Job Search