ࡱ> 463Y bjbjWW ,== ] T   $ >      *6`6   u R+% SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE FORM B2 EVALUATION OF COUNSELING FACULTY Name of Faculty Member Rank Department/Area Campus  Name and Title of Evaluator Date and Time of Observation  Date of PostObservation Conference Indicate type of student development activity observed (e.g., individual or group counseling session, seminar, workshop, training program, organizational/planning meeting, etc.) General description of activity (e.g., setting, content, purpose, focus, number and type of participants, etc.) S.C.C. #1137 (6/95) Page 2 GENERAL CRITERIA FORM B2 Comment on the following, including general observations, strengths, areas for improvement and specific recommendations, as appropriate. Ability to work cooperatively with colleagues, staff, and faculty Organizational ability Commitment motivation, attitude Initiative, follow through, dependability A summary of this faculty member's performance in this area would be Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Page 3 EFFECTIVENESS IN WORKING WITH STUDENTS FORM B2 Comment on the following, including general observations, strengths, areas for improvement specific recommendations, as appropriate. Effectiveness in working with students within areas of responsibility Knowledge of campus/community resources Knowledge of counseling/student development theory Professionalism, adherence to ethical standards Ability to work with students from diverse backgrounds A summary of this faculty member's performance in this area would be Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Page 4 OVERALL RATING FORM B2 Comment on the following, including general observations, strengths, areas for improvement and specific recommendations as appropriate. Overall performance of professional responsibilities Service to the College/community Professional development ____ I understand that I may file a written reply to any portions of this report, and that the reply will be attached to this report. ____ I understand that my signature on this report does not constitute agreement or disagreement with the contents. Faculty signature Date  Evaluator signature Date Comments attached SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE FORM B2 OPTIONAL FACULTY RESPONSE (Use additional paper if necessary; please be sure to include the following information) Name of Faculty Member Rank  Department/Area Campus  Name and Title of Evaluator Date and Time of Observation  Date of PostObservation Conference "KMOK[pD R w OJQJ>*CJOJQJhnH jCJOJQJUmH5CJOJQJhnH CJOJQJhnH (!"*+LMkl My( ($ (!"*+LMkl !"#$%&'()*+,-./0Def3Jj    ` !"#$%&'()*+,-./0DDef3Jj ( & F ( & F ( & F ( & F ( '$( (;i% k - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X  [ \       ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + ,       \;i% k - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 & F  %R) & F  %R) & F  %R) & F  %R) & F  %R)  %R)  E$R) (5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q   %R)Q R S T U V W X  [ \       ! " & F +) 6$+) +) R)  %R)" # $ % & ' ( ) * + , M f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t & F +) & F +) +), M f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w  v w pq   2t u v w  v w pq f# #$ # +) +)q  ,# / =!"#$% [$@$NormalmH H@H Heading 1$$@& f#5CJhnH <A@<Default Paragraph Font:B@: Body TextCJOJQJhnH  ,     Di  !6YD5 Q " t q ,  8@ (  HB  C DHB  C DHB  C DHB  C DHB  C DHB  C DHB  C DHB   C DHB   C DHB   C D HB   C D HB   C D HB  C DHB  C D HB  C DHB  C DHB  C DHB  C DHB  C DB S  ?MN  &t pt0!&tpt @t @t@t %t Pt @&t t @t`xp#xt xxtp#.'.tP..t@ t **t0(t ;AEhKZwz~   u  B D o   Kevin PetermanC:\MyFiles\B2.docKevin Peterman+C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of B2.asdSuffolk Community College A:\B2.docValued Gateway Client A:\B2.doc Kevin McCoyE:\Kevins Work\FA\FromB2.doc w) /%) >; Q!= #/E 9dM ?'W |] i a?y % { F|  hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( hhOJQJo( F|i?'W>;9dM#/E% {a?y/%)Q!=w)|] @3 `@GTimes New Roman5Symbol3& Arial;Wingdings"h2M;F2M;F# !208 SUFFOLK COMMUNITY COLLEGEKevin Peterman Kevin McCoy Oh+'0  , H T `lt|SUFFOLK COMMUNITY COLLEGE0UFFKevin PetermanTevievi Normal.dotm Kevin McCoy2viMicrosoft Word 8.0O@@T+@T+#  ՜.+,D՜.+,D hp|   L8  SUFFOLK COMMUNITY COLLEGE Title 6> _PID_GUIDAN{B32F776D-80D8-11D3-872C-A6DACB8C4E5D}  !"$%&'()*,-./0125Root Entry Fk+@+71TableLWordDocument,SummaryInformation(#DocumentSummaryInformation8+CompObjjObjectPool@+@+aPAA  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q