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If you are planning to use Military or Veterans education benefits, please complete the form below EACH SEMESTER so that your benefits can be certified.


Personal Information

Numbers only. Do not enter a # symbol.

Military Status

Home Address

Veterans Education Benefit(s)

Must submit parent letter to

Veteran Parent SSN required (first semester only). Please call 631-451-4456.

Military Education Benefit(s)

For students actively serving in the military.

Approved voucher must be submitted to the VRC.

Division of Military and Naval Affairs (RIRP). Must submit application to NYS by August 15 for Fall and December 15 for Spring.

Request for charges to be deferred for ___ credit(s) pending the following tentative award(s).

Student Promissory Note

Please read each statement and provide your initials below to confirm that you understand.

I accept tuition liability for all tuition, fees and other charges that result from my enrollment at the college. I have been advised that third party deferrals can be canceled by the college at any time.  I accept a third party deferral in the amount of my Veterans benefits or Tuition Assistance listed above, and promise to pay this amount and any subsequent late payment or collection fees that result, if the third party does not pay the college.

By typing my initials here, I have read the information above and agree to these terms.

Digital Signature

Please read each statement and provide your initials below to confirm that you understand.

My education benefits will not be awarded for courses that are not counting towards my degree.

I understand that if I fail to attend a class or withdraw, my tuition will not be paid and I will be financially responsible for any debt incurred to the school as well as the VA or military branch. (This includes W-withdrawal, FN-failure for non-attendance, UN- Unsatisfactory progress for non-attendance, or NA-not attending grades.)

It is my responsibility to pay any and all tuition and fees due to SCCC, minus anticipated education benefit payments made directly to the school, by the payment deadline or I may be dropped from my classes.

I understand that in order to receive my full housing allowance, I am required to be registered full time and have at least one course that meets fully on-campus. (Post 9/11 GI Bill® and VR&E users only.)

I understand that if I am using the Post 9/11 GI Bill® or the Chapter 1606 Select Reserve Montgomery GI Bill, or the Chapter 35 Survivor's and Dependents Educational Assistance benefit, I must verify attendance with the VA starting with the last day of the month, or my benefits will not be paid.

Note: For more information on how to verify your enrollment with the VA, please call 1-888-442-4551 or visit .

By typing my full name below, I have read the information above and agree to these terms.