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The mission of the Office of Human Resources is to foster an environment of professionalism, accountability and mutual respect amongst all employees of Suffolk County Community College. Our office works with the College in identifying and responding to its changing needs. We strive to do this by providing information, support and guidance in every facet of the employment relationship in a customer-oriented, responsible and efficient manner; and by supporting college departments in their efforts to implement the College鈥檚 mission.                           

Goals and Outcomes

  • Goal:
    To ensure the College compliance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws, rules and regulations, as well as with College policies and procedures.
    • Outcomes:
      Train faculty and staff to ensure compliance with College policies and relevant state and federal laws, rules and regulations, including those relating to equal opportunity and affirmative action, to ensure that they will have an enlightened understanding of the legal implications of their actions. Assess, investigate, respond and resolve internal complaints of discrimination and discriminatory harassment.

  • Goal:
    To ensure that all employees receive proper benefits information.
    • Outcomes:
      New Employees will receive a full packet of information prior to starting.
      The office will respond quickly to requests for additional benefits information.
      All employees will be informed of changes to existing benefits. All employees will be informed of the open enrollment period for health insurance.

  • Goal:
    To ensure that alleged employee contract violations are handled effectively.
    • Outcomes:
      Complaints regarding contract violations will be addressed in a timely manner.
      The Office will follow appropriate contractual timelines for answering grievances.
      The Office will provide all backup and documents for the College to defend its decisions if the grievance proceeds to arbitration.