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The Suffolk Community College Foundation's mission is to support student scholarships, student emergency loans and program development, with the goal of providing students and potential student's access to a quality education and vocational skill training. This serves to enhance the well-being of our student body, alumni, faculty, college and community by providing scholarships and establishing various social, athletic, cultural, economic and fund-raising events. Additionally, the Foundation engages with alumni to help strengthen their connection to the College in support of foundation events, philanthropic commitment, student mentorship and internship opportunities.

Goals and Outcomes

  • Goal:
    Increase alumni engagement in support of the College Mission.
    • Outcomes:
      Provide College updates to alumni groups through electronic, in-person, telephone, and written efforts.
      Increase alumni awareness of existing scholarship recipients and opportunities to donate.
      Develop programming that would create opportunities for alumni to connect to the College, students and staff.

  • Goal:
    Develop alumni volunteer opportunities in support of student success.
    • Outcomes:
      Solicit alumni in support of student academic achievement opportunities (philanthropic support and participation in student activity programs).
      Solicit alumni in support of student career development opportunities (i.e. mentors, internships).